The QCMD (Quality Control for Molecular Diagnostic) is an external quality assurance programme that helps to monitor and improve quality within clinical laboratories. Their SARS-CoV-2 EQA programme assesses the sensitivity of assays routinely used for molecular detection of SARS-CoV-2 at clinically appropriate levels, near the limit of detection as well as the specificity of assays in the presence of other human coronaviruses.
In the latest October 2021 programme, laboratory using DiagCor’s GenoScreenTM SARS-CoV-2 qRT-PCR Assay, together with DiagPuroTM Nucleic Acid Extraction System and Genesis 96Q Real-time PCR System) has participated and attained fully proficient (100% proficient) status. SARS-CoV-2 variants (B.1, B1.1.7 & B1.351) were being successfully detected. DiagCor Life Science prioritizes high product quality and actively supports SARS-CoV-2 testing services in laboratories worldwide, thus contributing to fight against COVID-19.
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Acerca de DiagCor
Ubicados en Hong Kong, DiagCor se ha dedicado al desarrollo de pruebas moleculares (MDx) desde el 2006. Como líderes mundiales de la tecnología de hibridación rápida (flow-through hybridization), nuestra compañía ofrece una amplia gama de productos, soluciones y servicios relacionados con el análisis de ADN y ARN. Así mismo proveemos servicios de laboratorio MDx a médicos y profesionales en Asia Pacífica. DiagCor desarrolla y fabrica productos y soluciones MDx y a su vez ofrece consultoría en medicina translacional para proyectos MDx.
Contacto de prensa
DiagCor Life Science