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30 May 2023 [Comunicado de prensa]

New study uses GenoFlow™ STD Array Test Kit to uncover misdiagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases in Hong Kong outpatient healthcare

A new Hong Kong study1 shows the importance of multiplex testing, in order to avoid misdiagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Incorrect test selection made by physicians was one of the major reasons for STD misdiagnosis in outpatient settings.

To reduce errors in STD diagnosis, physicians are encouraged to select and request a test that allows detection of multiple pathogens, as co-infection of multiple pathogens in STD patients is commonly observed. A test such as DiagCor Life Science's GenoFlow™ STD Array Test Kit is ideal for these purposes. 

Continued medical education is needed globally to highlight the importance and benefits of the GenoFlow™ STD Array Test Kit and other multiplex tests, for more improved patient and public health outcomes.

1Lau A, Ho D (2023). Misdiagnosis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Hong Kong Outpatient Private Healthcare. Open Journal of Medical Microbiology. 13:31-42.


Acerca de DiagCor

Ubicados en Hong Kong, DiagCor se ha dedicado al desarrollo de pruebas moleculares (MDx) desde el 2006. Como líderes mundiales de la tecnología de hibridación rápida (flow-through hybridization), nuestra compañía ofrece una amplia gama de productos, soluciones y servicios relacionados con el análisis de ADN y ARN. Así mismo proveemos servicios de laboratorio MDx a médicos y profesionales en Asia Pacífica. DiagCor desarrolla y fabrica productos y soluciones MDx y a su vez ofrece consultoría en medicina translacional para proyectos MDx.

Contacto de prensa

DiagCor Life Science

[email protected]