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3 February 2025 [Comunicado de prensa]

Announcement of the Optimization of GenoQuest™ JAK2 qPCR Assay on the geneLEAD VIII

After the announcement of the collaboration between DiagCor Life Science Ltd. (DiagCor) with Precision System Science Co., Ltd. (PSS), we are excited to follow with the successful optimization and implementation of the GenoQuestTM JAK2 qPCR Assay on the geneLEAD VIII, the All-in-One, fully automated Sample-to-Result system. JAK2 encodes a non-receptor tyrosine kinase, which has been implicated in signaling by members of the type II cytokine receptor family to regulate diverse processes, including cell survival, proliferation, and differentiation. The JAK2 V617F mutation is an acquired, somatic mutation that can help diagnose patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), as it is present in >95% of patients with polycythemia vera (PV) and >50% of patients with essential thrombocythemia (ET) and primary myelofibrosis (PMF). Our new application note details an automated workflow for this assay on the geneLEAD VIII system, including its clinical performance.

If you would like to learn more about this platform, please contact our sales team at [email protected].

About DiagCor: Headquartered in Hong Kong with ISO 13485 accredited Quality Management System (QMS), DiagCor has been a pioneer in multiplex technologies via its global leader in Flow-through hybridization instruments and GenoFlowTM assays, and is now growing an extensive portfolio of qPCR assays for in vitro diagnostics on open systems, covering the areas of infectious disease, oncology and human genetics.

About PSS: Headquartered in Chiba, Japan, PSS develops instruments for in vitro diagnostics. In addition to a proprietary, fully automated nucleic acid isolation system, the company offers multi-purpose magnetic bead-based open-platform instruments, including ready-to-use sample-to-results systems.

Acerca de DiagCor

Ubicados en Hong Kong, DiagCor se ha dedicado al desarrollo de pruebas moleculares (MDx) desde el 2006. Como líderes mundiales de la tecnología de hibridación rápida (flow-through hybridization), nuestra compañía ofrece una amplia gama de productos, soluciones y servicios relacionados con el análisis de ADN y ARN. Así mismo proveemos servicios de laboratorio MDx a médicos y profesionales en Asia Pacífica. DiagCor desarrolla y fabrica productos y soluciones MDx y a su vez ofrece consultoría en medicina translacional para proyectos MDx.

Contacto de prensa

DiagCor Life Science

[email protected]